Thursday 14 April 2011

Can Someone Please Tell Spring To Arrive?

This is what we woke to today, on April 14th!

This is early Spring here in Alberta, Canada :)  It's not uncommon to have weather like this in April, and even early May, which is why we plant our gardens traditionally around the May Long weekend (the 3rd weekend in May).  This leaves a short but fierce season for growing as we tend to have night frost come as early as September.

We've all been so desperate for Spring to come as it's been a long, cold winter, so we took matters into our own hands today and unanimously decided to decorate the house and colour some eggs for Easter!  To heck with the snow and cold - Spring arrived inside today in the loveliest of hues.

We had great fun and even the cat got involved in the decorating process * ahem* :)

Out came the Easter stories and we successfully ignored the high winds and blowing snow outside.  Questions about eggs and and the growth of the babies inside were answered using a fantastic book titled The Nature and Science of Eggs by Jane Burton and Kim Taylor.    I love spontaneous days where we are inspired to do things and we drop everything to do it.  Especially when it's something as fun as today!

These crocheted easter eggs were made by my Mom for each of my children.  They look so adorable with little chocolate eggs peeking out!

An excellent book about hard work and strong work ethic!  Love, love, love!

Mom picked up the The Easter Tree for the children many years ago, and this book is so fitting to read as we decorate it.

And who can resist this snuggling this cuddly bunny while hearing a sweet story about how chocolate bunnies are made?

All in all a good day even if it's horrible outside...


  1. Goodness -- its amazing how different weather can be. Now, are are nearly 2000 miles south of you, and we are getting ready to start running the a/c! We haven't yet, as we can open the windows at night to cool the house nicely, but the neighbor's a/c has been hear to click on even at 7 in the morning (as we are leaving for school). It takes a special woman to survive the cold of the north!

  2. Welcome, Rachael :) Yes, the weather is indeed challenging but once the summer kicks in it gets HOT and we too have air conditioning! Shocking isn't it? Our temps in winter are usually around -30 celsius and our summer temps are around +30 celsius! Fall is gorgeous here - stunning colors - red, yellow, orange - all very vibrant.

  3. lovely blog and homeschooling family! we are in south florida and it is hot hot hot! i wish you warm weather soon :)

    much love

  4. Welcome Crystal! Thanks for stopping by :)
