Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar Treats Sore Throats

My love for this natural remedy is growing as the years go by...   not only is apple cider vinegar effective for treating tummy upsets, we've recently discovered that when taken every 30 minutes, it stops a sore throat dead in it's tracks!  I've used this method successfully over the past 6 months and find it to be much more reliable and effective than using oregano oil.  It's less expensive, also - so a win all around :)

As to dosage, I usually take approximately 2 TBSP in a half cup of water.  When taken at the first sign of a scratchy/sore throat, and repeated faithfully every 30 minutes, relief will usually be felt after just a few doses...   I don't like the taste of ACV, so I plug my nose and drink it down quickly.  The short term discomfort of the taste is preferred over getting sick, so I suffer through it :)

Sore throats are usually the first sign that a cold/influenza is on the way and I've noticed that people will spend a lot of money to try and ward illness off.  I'm encouraging you to give apple cider vinegar a try ~ it is highly effective and very inexpensive.

Let me know if it works for you!


  1. Apple cider vinegar has a long list of health benefits. I think fighting high cholesterol is one of them. I'm not sure I could drink it everyday, but, I'll try it with the next sore throat!

  2. Ooooh! Now I wish I had a sore throat so I could try this out!

  3. Sherri I did this when I felt the first stirrings of a sore throat the other week. Only took two doses and all was good.

  4. So does it relieve the pain of a sore throat or actually cure whatever is causing the sore throat? Or both? I'm just a but confused? Thanks in advance for the clarity.

    :) Krista

    1. Hi Krista, it eliminates the pain by killing whatever "bug" has caused the sore throat in the first place. If you catch it early (at the first sign on a sore throat), you'll be feeling right as rain in less than a day!

    2. Thank you for replying. I am giving it all it's worth but to no avail. My daughter and I still have terribly sore throats, slight headaches and the very back of our noses (kind of where the nasal cavity and throat meet). I'm wondering if our problem is allergy related because the ACV, raw garlic, honey, salt water gargle, Advil Cold & Sinus tabs are not working very well. I mean, all of it takes the edge off for a bit but then the problem comes raging back.

      Oh well, I'm not giving up because I have learned that ACV is also good for bad choleterol, high blood pressure etc. :)
      Thanks again!

    3. Sorry you aren't feeling well :( I have only used it a handful of times (maybe 6 or 7?) to treat sore throats, so I don't have a LOT of experience, but it has worked every time (possibly because I started taking it at the very first inkling of a sore throat). It is so important to do it RIGHT AWAY before the "bugs" have a chance to multiply and take over.

      The other thing we do is sniff warm salt water HARD up each nostril (from a spoon), one at a time until the saline solution hits the back of your throat. It's gross, but it works incredibly well to kill cold bugs in the nose and throat. Do it over the sink!

      Hope you feel better soon XO

  5. I couldn't agree more! I struggle with an illness where I have a very weak immune system, and since finding ACV have had to go through a lot less pain and colds. A couple of cups a day bring me a lot of relief. Good on you for spreading the word :)

    1. Danielle, I'm sorry to hear that you are immune compromised, but glad that you are finding success with apple cider vinegar. We were travelling out of province just last week and 2 of our kids came down suddenly with a GI bug. The rest of us were able to ward it off with ACV :) Whew!

  6. I've taken 4 doses so far and don't feel any different. I'm not sure if I can keep this up though. What's the most amount of doses you've had to take?

    1. Better now:)

    2. Oh good!!!!! Sometimes, I have taken up to 6 doses :) It's really yucky, but it sure works. The earlier you catch it, the less doses you have to take.

  7. Last week I had a terrible sore throat. In the middle of the night I had a dream that I drank apple cider vinegar and the pain went away. I woke up and drank 1/4 cup strait and the pain went away in a minute. I'm just now checking the internet to see if others are using this to treat sore throats, and I'm glad to see that they are! Sr. Della Marie, TOR

    1. I am doing what you say...1/4 cup to the head. I will let you know :)

  8. Hello just like to add acv can as been repeated above good for soar throats but colds take it before u actualy get the cold so it can pick up on the atibodies to fight it off and as a little tipto ad its good for any one that has dandruff to and its a good antibactirial example cuts I use it alot

    another natural thing to take is achenasia its from a from a flower that will get the antibodies working

    and one more is adrenaline boost to if u feeling u dont have any energy when u got the flu its a natural flower remedy

    hope I have helped with my comment

  9. I Have A Sore Throat Now And Drinking Acv And Its Not Working For Me And I Suppose Too Take Family Pictures Tomorrow And Go Out Too Eat Afterwards ; I Need HELP Please

    1. I took some this morning (had the worst sore throat) and the ACV took it away in mins!
      I hope you are all taking ACV with the mother.

  10. I put about 4 tablespoons of acv in a small cup and diluted it with about 1 tablespoon of water, and my first swig and gargle with it I spit out, but the rest I decided to gargle and then swallow, and the burn of the vinegar going down only last a minute and then it was soothing. I plan on doing the same thing when I wake up in the morning, and when I get to work, and so on....
    Fun fact, I went to the Dr yesterday to get preventative antibiotics (my son gave this to me and he's responding to his antibiotics) and the very DUMB Dr refused to treat me -____- ACV it is, because while it is in my best interest to get better asap, it's in HER best interest that I don't come back even sicker. Ugh. Preventative treatment apparently isn't a thing with these crook pharmaceutical doctors. They'd rather treat full blown illnesses than prevent them....go figure.
