Thursday, 9 January 2014

Here, in January

On Tuesday, I "set this place to rights" by putting the last of the Christmas decorations away and cleaning up the remnants of the festive season.  Our home has been a hive of activity since Christmas and while is was great fun to host visiting family (and entertain large amounts of people), we are all craving "normal" here.   After nearly 3 weeks off, my husband is back at work, the children are back in school, and I am back to my studies and my work here at home.   

 I've been busy restoring our regular "family anchors" (mealtimes and the routines before and after them).  Zooming the focus back onto the family table is an important part of the process of returning to normal.  Gone is the glitter and sparkle of the Christmas table and along with it, the treats and rich foods that we look forward to all year.   We now crave healthier foods to warm and nourish us without the after dinner slump.  Immune systems are boosted during this time of colds and flus with homemade bone broth soups and stews chock full of vegetables and fragrant spices.   Taking centre stage on the table this week are a few special things that were my Grandma's (given to me recently).  

I've given the poor neglected houseplants some grey water and will next water them with my worm tea (brewing as I type).  

Outside, the snow is thickly blanketing everything around us.

The HUGE straw bale is half buried and all the trees and shrubs have a thick protective layer of snow to insulate them from the cold.

Rose, if you're reading this, this is the driveway with the markers.  Without them, it's hard to see where the driveway IS to plow it clear!  The other markers scattered on the property are to mark young plantings so the snowmobilers (of which we have many) don't drive over them.  

The 6' garden fence is half buried.   Those gates won't be opened for many months yet...

Inside the 3 season greenhouse, it's eerie and dark thanks to a thick blanket of snow on the roof.   The plants are either dead or in hibernation. 

Sawhorses rest atop the cover cropped bed (fall rye) in anticipation of early Spring when they will be put to use together with old doors to make seedling tray tables.

The hoop house is frozen in the snow,

the A-frame chicken tractor base is resting quietly, too.

The children bundle up with extra layers now when going to school.  The north wind can suck the heat out of you faster than you can say "Alberta"  :)

It's time to hibernate, rest and rejuvenate after a demanding month, giving us time to look over seed catalogues, plan the Spring garden, sew, read, knit and pursue other hobbies.   January can be dull and colourless outside, but inside, the fire is on, tea is brewing, bread is baking and the warmth of a comfortable home is inviting to us all :)



  1. It's amazing that all that white does and will turn green!

  2. The darkness in the greenhouse is an interesting phenomenon. Something you don't think about in the summer when you build it--only in the winter when you have a minute or two to contemplate. I'd say we're likely two months away from putting the glass on the cold frames by the house. But that frees up time to look for seeds! More beets next year is my vow.

  3. Brrrrr! It's looking very similar here, too, with more snow on the ground and less melting away. Hope you're getting some rest for yourself after the holiday rush.

    1. Rest is happening, but in-between bursts of activity. Feels good to catch up on some jobs around here after a month of putting everything off.

  4. Sherri, when my brother lived in Alberta he used to send home photos of his kids playing in the snow. We did visit him over there but it was in Spring so we missed out on experiencing life in the snow. He liked it for a time but missed the warmth of Australia and eventually moved his family back home. His children were born in Canada so that it is home to them and they returned once they were grown up and one of my nephews emailed a photo of his toddler on the snow last week. They mustn't mind the cold too much I guess. Stay warm.

    1. We MIND the cold (for sure!) and would love to live "back home" on the west coast, but the work situation for my husband isn't very good there :(

  5. My boys were just peering over my shoulder as I read your post. They are totally amazed at the snow and are rather excited to visit the snow this coming August
