Thursday, 16 February 2012

Back In The Old Days...

I found this little gem of a book at a local second hand book shop a while ago.  It is filled with old timer recipes for cooking, cleaning and medicine (sometimes all on the same page!)

Let's sautee some zucchini, whilst shampooing the carpet and making soap!

Or how about a taste of lemon butter while cleaning the windows?

Did you read what it says under Dill????

It's quite the collection and I get such a giggle out of it....


  1. Those old time people spoke the truth :)

  2. I love books like this! Yes, I confess that the entry under Dill did catch my eye... I now have plans to cultivate quite a large patch of it. :)

  3. What a great find...i love reading the old books and having a laugh at the descriptions and language they used!
    I haven't heard of polony since my childhood...perhaps we used to have it and i have forgotten!!

  4. What a hoot! I love those old style books to, and am always on the lookout for them myself at second hand book stores.

  5. Some of those look really useful!

  6. I have to agree, your book is a real gem. I had to laugh when I was reading the cough rememdy and came to the last ingredient....1 pt alcohol. That recipe might work!

  7. what a mixture of things all on one page, good fun though,


  8. What a wonderful book you found! (especially the dill).

  9. Wow, what a find! I'm so curious about this kind of stuff but don't really know where to begin. I guess the library would be a good bet!

  10. What a great book. I laughed at the dill.
