Friday, 9 December 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar

I love it when I can find a natural product that works and when that natural product does double or triple duty in the home, it makes me really happy.

Apple Cider Vinegar saved my sanity and my health this week!  Our kids came down with a nasty stomach bug the other day and to ward it off I took my usual 1Tbsp ACV in 1/2 cup of water, every 30 minutes until the symptoms abated.  It works wonders to head off a stomach upset if taken at the first sign of tummy troubles (rolling stomach, nausea, etc).  The taste is rather unpalatable, so I plug my nose and drink it down quickly preferring that short term unpleasantness over 24 hours of being sick to my stomach.

Each time I took it, my stomach was "informing" me that I was well on my way to getting sick.  I was worried that I had waited too long to take it, but as I was tending to and cleaning up after 3 VERY sick kids, I just couldn't get it in me any sooner.

Long and short of it, I have avoided the illness and now that the kids are well again, I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief.  I can't imagine being the only adult home with 3 sick kids and me coming down with that nasty bug at the same time.  Nightmare at Little Home In The Country!

I also use ACV mixed with water and essential oil for a natural hair rinse and it works really well ~ no conditioner needed.

I know I'm not using ACV to it's full potential in my home - please share what you use it for and why :)

***********************UPDATE ~ FEBRUARY/13 *********************

See this post about using apple cider vinegar to treat sore throats - it works a treat!


  1. Thank you for that tip! Glad you all fought the illness. It seems illness goes with holidays alot! love,andrea

  2. Well, to be honest, my favorite way to use it is in barbecue sauce! ;) But, I also use it as hair "conditioner" and I often put a capful in the dogs' water bowl as it's said to have health benefits for animals, too.

    1. I agree! It is great for the dogs in their water dish!

  3. Wow, that's amazing how well it worked for your tummy bug! Good stuff..will definitely be remembering this tip.

  4. Glad you avoided the lurgy. We buy in 20 litre containers as it is used to deter worms in the cattle and the chooks and is great for the health of mums and calves. Great with garlic for both of them!

  5. Alison, that's great to know. Do you just add it to their drinking water? How much per gallon/litre?

  6. thanks for the tip!!!!(stomach) I also use it for
    I wish you a wonderful week,
    love regina

  7. Hey Sherri, don't forget, when giving it to the children, pop it in some orange juice...It's much much easier to swallow, and still works a treat.

    1. Or in apple juice. Adding a little cinamon too gives it a bit of an apple pie flavor

  8. ACV is amazing stuff!! Google it and see!
    nellymary...what a great idea!
    alison, do you think it work on horse's worms too?

  9. Do you all rinse it out of your hair after pouring it through or do you leave it on as your final rinse? What ratio ACV/water do you use?

  10. I rinse it out. About 1 part vinegar to 8 parts water seems to work well for me :)

  11. I haven't heard of using ACV for stomach bugs! Thanks for sharing Sherri! I have posted the Worcestershire recipe on my blog now too if you would like to make a note of it! You could probably use some ACV in that too!

  12. I didn't know that AVC worked for stomach bugs, can you give it to children? At the first sign of stomach upset I take a drop of essential peppermint oil in a spoon of honey (3 times daily) but I have been advised against giving it to children under 12.
    I rinse out the vinegar when I use it on my hair, but with just a quick blast of cold water.

    1. EMMA - good grief, I missed your comment until now! YES, ACV is totally safe for children :)

  13. I've also read that drinking 100% Welches Grape juice can help prevent the stomach bug..I decided to mix 1tbs of ACV in 1\2 cup of the grape juice! Hoping to double the prevention! A bonus is the grape juice really helps with the nasty taste of th ACV, it's not that bad at all.

    1. Yes, putting ACV in a little bit of juice can help to mask the taste for children, especially.

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