Monday 18 July 2016

Around here

The canola is in full bloom all around us.  While I'm not a supporter of GMO crops, I can at least appreciate the beauty and gift of colour.

From our little pocket of lush, organic, heirloom abundance, we've been picking peas by the bucketful.  It's a fine (and much anticipated) day when one can sit on the couch shelling and eating peas for supper!


  1. The peas look amazing. Enjoy!

  2. Your crop looks great as does the canola. I was saddened by Yates this week in that I discovered it sells seeds that will only produce once and the seeds from those crops cannot/will not produce in their own right. Consumerism has hit even seeds :-(

    1. We live on the edge of conventional agriculture and our nearby friends farm grain organically (plus he was raised on a conventional farm). It's been a major education for us - the monopoly controls the seed industry! Buying organic, heirloom food products (or growing them) helps and pulls your support from that industry so vote with your dollar!

  3. There certainly is something lovely about all the yellow, we have huge paddocks of sunflowers here when the weather is warmer and it is an impressive sight to behold.
    I still have memories of sitting on my grandmothers back patio shelling peas with her and chatting away , I was very lucky that she lived next door and I had avready escape from 3 younger brothers 😊

    1. A field of sunflowers is a sight to see that's for sure... Shelling peas on the back porch is probably one of life's finest pleasures :)
